Whats our Why?

Mokowhiti vision is centred on creating solutions that will contribute to realising our whānau, hāpu and tribal aspirations.  Mokowhiti mission is exceptional delivery through a resolute belief in, and commitment to, our whānau, hāpu and Iwi driving our own futures.  -  Tō tātou tino rangatiratanga

What do we do?

Mokowhiti’s services can be described as Whānau development and we are able to contribute to this space across many spheres;

  • Increasing financial capability through supporting whānau into first home ownership

  • Management of events with care and manaaki

  • Facilitating opportunities  to grow our future Māori health workforce

  • Believing in whānau to create their own solutions through a coaching  framework 

How we do it

It is our heart that underpins all of our contributions.   It is our whakapapa which gives us meaningful connections to the mahi that we do and makes it personal, and therefore we do whatever it takes to do our best to those we serve to ensure its success.